quality time with rachel’s brain
Portland! Let’s talk words.
I’m coming to town for WDS and want to help y’all get your copy + content sorted.
I’m offering 4 half-day intensives during WDS week, and I’d love for you to have one of them.
Here’s how it works:
You and I get together in a spectacularly beautiful space for three delightful hours, and we knock out that word project that’s got you tied up in knots.
You provide the problem.
I provide the brainspace, delicious food and drinks, party favors, and a month of email + Voxer support afterwards.
(Plus loads of freebies, because I can’t turn off my copywriting brain, and will just inundate you with unsolicited advice on all things word-related.)
What we can do together:
– 3 hour deep dive into what your book’s about, who it’s for, how you’re going to write it, and how you’re going to sell it.
– You walk out with your book “compass” — I do this with every book client, you get super clear on the message, audience, and strategy, this keeps you grounded and going in the right direction throughout the book process — as well as an outline. Now all you have to do is sit down and write!
– If you decide to go on to co-write the book with me, your payment serves as your deposit and is taken out of the $25,000 I charge for developmental editing and co-writing.
Payment plans A-OK.
– 3 hour deep dive and content audit
– Together, we’ll create a done-for-you content strategy so you know exactly what you’re posting and why every day for the next quarter, plus you’ll know how to see if it’s working. Seriously, you can copy and paste from the doc, and never think about it again … until you get the results at the end of the quarter showing just how your numbers have risen.
– If you want my agency to write the content for you, we can do that too! Packages start at $200 – $500 p/m, and the first month is on us as a thank-you for doing an intensive 🙂
Payment plans A-OK.
– 3 hour strategy session + sales page co-writing (<- you talk, I write :))
– Together, we’ll create or revise a sales page for any one of your offers
– If you decide you want extra marketing support with your sales, we can do that too! Packages start at $200 – $500 p/m, and the first month is on us as a thank-you for doing an intensive 🙂
Payment plans A-OK.
This one is my favorite, TBH. You bring that THING that’s just never worked. The big, weird question. The “how TF do I say this???” The unsolvable issue. And we figure out how to fix it.
I’m fast-thinking, and smart, and have worked as a marketing consultant so many different businesses for so long, chances are I’ve either seen your issue before, or know how to apply a creative mix of solutions from other situations to sort you out. You really, really don’t need to keep dealing with this thing, let’s just fix it 🙂
Payment plans A-OK.