How to Write an About Page

 Join me and learn how to write an about page that makes you look awesome … without boring people to tears, opening your heart of hearts to the internet, or making you sound like a braggy asshole.

About pages are the worst.


Or so I hear.


What do you include, what do you not include? How do you let people know what they need to know to hire you, but not make it into some goofy overshare-y mess? Also it’s all about the reader, right? Or is it? Wait, do you need 2 about pages?


(Cue: arrrrrghhhhhh!)

Let’s fix that.


I’m doing a live about page copy workshop in which I teach you how to write sales copy, and then actually write a page with you.


Long story short?

You, me, and 9 other people. 3 hours.


Ahhhhhhh sigh of relief — because you have a brand new beautiful about page.
(And an invaluable new skill.)


What’s included?


Step 1: Teaching


You’ll join me for a 3-hour workshop on writing about pages. In this workshop, I’ll teach you not only how to write an about page, but how to THINK about one. Which is honestly a way more valuable skill than any template I could throw at you.


Though there will be templates for you to take away. B/c of course.


And we’re for-sure gonna play some games. Wrong Answers Only … Legos, Dinos, and Leaves … you know. The classics.


Step 2: Writing time!


We’ll then switch gears into writing time, and you’ll put pen to paper (fingers to keys, whatever), and you’re going to actually draft up a page. Right there. On the call. With me.


Deep breaths — you can do it! And I’ll be on hand for help, feedback, and nervous system co-regulation the whole time.


Step 3: Q+A and live review.


After you’ve got your draft down, we’ll end with a Q+A session and you can have me review your page, live, on the call!

And if the very thought of that makes you want to peel your introverted face off, worry not!
I’ll be available via email and Vox for final edits/revisions for up to a week afterwards and we can keep this just between us 🙂

And you’ll have a lovely new about page that shows you at your best without making you feel your worst. (And also makes people want to hire you!)




It’s running on October 25th, 2 PM – 5 PM EST.



Will there be a recording?

But of course! We’re all busy. Sign up and get the recording. Show up and get live feedback. Whatever works for you.

I need 5 people to run the workshop. And I’ll cap it at 10 people, so everyone has time to have their page reviewed.


Are you one of them?


I hope so!


TL;DR: come write an about page with me! It’s an integral part of your copy, and most about pages are just not that great.

Let’s make yours amazing.

Click here to join us!